8 X 3-1/2 Inch Staff Only Sign In Brushed Aluminum With Acrylic Paint (Pack of: 2) - SG-STAFF-YX

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Regular price $4.60
This little sign send a big message- "keep out unless you work here!" No business wants people walking in off the street and wandering into prohibited areas. Restaurants don't want customers in their kitchens, and no business wants people in the break rooms or storage rooms. It's a nice way of asking people to respect the rules of your business.
  • This is a great sign to hang on the warehouse area to protect customers form injury
  • Most companies have areas that are restricted to the public- this is how you let them know
  • This sign is made of beautiful brushed aluminum sheet metal
  • It is painted in black and red acrylic paint that will last for years-inside or out
  • This sign is self adhesive- just peel away the paper and stick on a flat, clean, dry wall
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